Tuesday 18 January 2011

Too many men....

......who are only good for one thing, alive.

Of the 6 chicks we hatched out last July I was confident that at least one Cream Legbar was female as you are supposed to be able to autosex them at birth by their colouring. Well either I am not very good at telling the difference between spots and stripes or one particular hen is a "pink" hen. S/he has started mounting the other hens. Another "hen" (lavender arancua) that has no obvious cockerel signs started crowing today....damn. That leaves one - Lazarus (as it reawakened from the dead at birth). We always said that all cockerels would go in the pot to save early morning wakening calls for the neighbours so we will eventually only have 1 (I hope) left.

On a plus note we must have lots of fertile eggs at the moment so I plan to start incubating some of them tomorrow. Watch this spot in three weeks......

The Buff Orpington (the one the dog got) made a very lovely Sunday roast, Monday risotto and stock. Tonight the cockerel we finished off on Sunday is going to be chicken casserole.

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